Contrada Lunga B&B (Abbadia Lariana)

It’s quite, charming and a bit secluded. If you are looking to really get away, Contrada Lunga will take your mind off your everyday life and bring you back to a time of simplicity.

The house that houses the B & B and building was a manor built in late 1400’s and has has extensions added at the end of 1500’s. It was �completely restored in 2008 following a renovation of intervention seeking to maintain the most ‘original material as possible using new materials and ecological construction.

There are �three rooms, each a different sizes, hosting up to a maximum of 6 people. �Every room has a private bathroom and internet connection; television and telephone are intentionally lacking…

Breakfast is served in the kitchen where a single large table allows all the guests can meet one another.

Book a room: �;

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